Protect your Air Conditioners year round with a Kool Kap. Day in and day out, your Air Conditioners's condensing unit is subjected to the sun, rain, snow, ice, leaves, dirt, sticks and other debris. This debris collects in the bottom your condensing unit and traps water, snow and ice. All this trapped moisture causes your system to prematurely rust and corrode, damaging your system. By keeping your condensing unit clean, it will run at peak efficiency saving you money on your utility bills. Once a Kool Kap is installed, you never have to fuss with it. The Kool Kap remains on your condenser year round, so put it on, let it work and forget about it.
More than cooling the air, the main function of an Air Conditioners is to dehumidify the air to create a comfortable environment. The water released from the dehumidified air is then drained away. If your air conditioning system is located in your attic, this can pose serious problems. If your drain ever clogs, the condensation will overflow from your Air Conditioners and onto your ceiling. Repairing or replacing your ceiling could cost you hundreds or possibly even thousands of dollars if you have a cathedral ceiling. For this reason, we offer a ceiling saver kit.
The ceiling saver kit catches any potential leaks in a custom fabricated pan that has a separate drain line to protect your ceiling from leaks. What if the back-up drain gets clogged? We've got it covered. We also install as part of our ceiling saver kit a safety switch that will automatically turn your Air Conditioners off eliminating the possibility for any more condensation to occur. At this point, you will realize that your air conditioning system is not working and call us for service to correct the problem without ever leaking a drop of water onto your ceiling.
Condensation or wastewater is a byproduct of high efficiency furnaces, air conditioning evaporator coils, and flow- through humidifiers. A condensate pump is used to transfer this wastewater to a proper drain.
A hard start kit is designed to assist your compressor on start-up. If your inside air conditioning coil is located more than 50 feet from your outside condensing unit, you probably need a hard start kit to assist your compressor when it turns on. You see, your Air Conditioners works like a pump circulating the refrigerant throughout your system. The harder the pump has to work the less efficient it is and the more likely it is to break down. A hard start kit helps your Air Conditioners when it needs help most, when it first starts up and has to begin the pumping process. The addition of a hard start kit will extend the life of your compressor, which could save you from the high cost of a repair or replacement.
Let technology make your life easier. Today we have systems available that can monitor your heating and air conditioning system 24 hours a day 365 days a year. These systems are perfect for vacation homes or for people who travel a lot.
By stopping your unit from going on and off (short-cycling) so much, a time delay relay keeps it from wearing out prematurely. A time delay relay is also the perfect accessory for families that have children who like to play with the thermostat. No matter how often you change the setting on the heat/cool switch or the fan on/auto switch, you can't burn out your compressor. This is because the time delay relay won't turn your system on for 3-5 minutes after the last thermostat adjustment has been made.
Easy-to-see thermostats are the best idea in thermostats and few people know about them! They work the same as a standard thermostat and are as easy to use. An easy-to-see thermostat has very large raised numbers that people with impaired vision can easily read. An audible click sounds at each degree mark as you adjust the temperature by turning the dial. An optional large clear dial cover is available to assist those who are hindered with arthritis.
Our HVAC Maintenance Plan is designed to save you money over time on electric bills, repairs, and extend the life of your system.